Hyperverse, 5-dimensional Gravity and Multiverses: Dark Energy and Multiversal Nurseries

22 Feb 2024

This paper is available on arxiv under CC 4.0 license.


(1) Igor Yu. Potemine, Institut de Math´ematiques, Universit´e Paul Sabatier.

7 Dark energy and multiversal nurseries

It is possible to endow the Hyperverse with a metric approximately describing several widely separated Gogberashvili multiverses. For example, one can use the work of Kashif Alvi on widely separated binary black holes [4].

In our picture, the Hyperverse has numerous powerful sources of dark energy with large local cosmological constants. Those sources play role of the nurseries of multiverses.

The situation is somewhat similar to the star formation and stellar nurseries in galaxies. In the latter case, it is related to the collapsing matter in giant molecular clouds.

Notice that, in our constructions, the dark energy is a higher-dimensional phenomenon of the Hyperverse.